Saturday, May 28, 2016

Replacing wiper blades on Geely LC Cross

This post will explain how you can replace the wiper blade of a Geely LC Cross ( First of all you need the following to make the job more easy and secure
  • A washing cloth or the same cloth you use to wash your car.
  • A piece of thin plastic which is hard enough to use as a levering tool
OK now when you find the above items you are ready to remove the wiper blade. When you look closely above the wiper blade you will find that there is a plastic lock as you can see in the below picture.

Step 1

Lift lock as shown in the blow picture. Insert the levering tool into one side of the lock as highlighted in red. And while holding the levering tool lift the lock from in the direction shown in yellow.

When the lock is lifted it should look like below.

Step 2

Now you have to the slide the wiper blade to left hand side so that that the hook in the wiper arm is release.

Make sure you keep the washing cloth below before you starting rest of the steps.

Step 3

Now you have to move the J hook upwards so that is can be taken out from the plastic lock. When you try to do it you will find that the wiper arm get stuck at the small notch highlighted in the below picture.

To get the the wiper arm pass through that notch you need to use the plastic levering tool again. The wiper arm must be above the both notches as marked in yellow.

Once the arm is above it should look like below.

Step 4

Now you need to lift the arm up so that the Step 3 needs to performed against the lower side of the J hook.

You can see in the above picture the same notch blocks the lower part of the J hook from coming out.

Using the same plastic levering tool to lever as shown in the above picture. This will release the wiper blade from the wiper arm. Make sure you rest the arm on the cloth

Step 5

Take the new blade and lift the plastic lock as below

And keep the J hook of the wiper arm as below and press gently

Once the J hook is inside the wiper blade as below

You can press the plastic lock gently to lock the blade in place.

That's it. you have now replace your wiper blade without any scratches or damages to your wiper arm or wiper blade :).